Sunday 23 August 2009

Results Pt2

So I realise that nobody actually reads this blog. Hmph.

However, this blog is the black box of where things are likely to go wrong. Yes folks, I reckon it's all likely to go downhill from here - because I enter the workforce, and the mighty workforce of the NHS, right at the bottom.

But I have began to consider my future if I fail to get anywhere this year.

Looking back over the past year, I can see where I may have gone wrong (though I still don't know how good my old personal statement is, help anyone?). Ultimately I have decided that this is another shot at medicine, and unless something really changes, my last chance. I'm going to university regardless of medicine in 2010 entry.

I've learnt this year, looking at how things turned out for me, my mates going through results day, phoning unis and clearing, that my plans shouldn't be as fixed as I have them in my head currently.

Yes, I've seen quite a few people get into Bristol, Newcastle and Sheffield with lower grades than their offer (not for medicine), but some weren't as lucky.

Which is probably why I think I'm likely to be able to stomach graduate medicine. Odd, I know, but normality is overrated. Plans change, my plans, goals, priorities, view on the world; everything changes. I think if I entered for another degree, everything would change. It's hardly an unreasonable assumption to make. I think I would invest myself in my new subject, and medicine would fall away.

Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just sleep deprived, still feeling rough from results day drinking and then some, feeling cynical or just crazy.

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